Flags as politically charged artefacts in the public space.
At place Fontainas, we notice what we think is a colombian flag hanged from a window.
A large sign stating solidarity with the rainbow flag is hanged from CGSP/ASCOD windows a few days before the gay pride. We think it might be considered as either genuine support for the cause or political “recuperation” from traditional actors that want to appear favorable to the gay community.
We can notice two flags hanged on the balcony at the third or fourth floor. One Moroccan flag next to a Belgian one. There is a chance that the Belgian flag is added to “mitigate” the reaction that the moroccan flag might create following the so-called \riots\" from the month of may. It’s highly likely that the two flags are there because of the world cup that is happening at the moment and in which both teams are competing. "
Pendant le Meyboom, à côté des drapeaux historiques est brandi un grand drapeau Belfius. Nous sommes étonnés et même un peu indignés: que fait cette publicité dans une reconstruction historique? Je demande à un des chevaliers blancs qui suivent ce drapeau et il me dit que c’est parce que le crédit communal (créé en 1860 et chargé d’octroyer des crédits aux communes pour leurs investissement - dixit wikipedia), dont ils représentent les milices, est devenu - de fil en aiguille - Belfius de nos jours… En effet, sur les boucliers des milices l’un de nous reconnait le logo du crédit communal.